Section 504

504 Plan

A 504 Plan Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act helps a child with special health care needs to fully participate in school. Usually, a 504 Plan is used by a general education student who is not eligible for special education services. A 504 Plan lists accommodations related to the child’s disability and required by the child so that he or she may participate in the general classroom setting and educational programs. For example, a 504 Plan may include:

  • Plans to make a school wheelchair-accessible

  • Your child’s assistive technology needs during the school day

  • Permission for your child to type assignments instead of writing them by hand

  • Permission for your child to hand in assignments late due to illness or a hospital stay

The 504 Plan is a plan developed to ensure that a child who has a disability identified under the law and is attending an elementary or secondary educational institution receives accommodations that will ensure their academic success and access to the learning environment. The 504 plans are developed by the principal and the student's parent(s) or guardian(s).

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